Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Shin Armor Tutorial for Rogue from Fairytail

I used silver pleather upholstery material and elastic for this. 

First I built a pattern to size on my daughter:


Ankle pieces


I cut about an inch larger all the way around as you can see on the leg piece pattern vs. pleather above. 

Then I folded under and stitched for a clean edge



I did the same for the two ankle pieces then pinned together 

The two very center ovals hold them together, and I stitched at the seam on the corner points of the smallest one to anchor it too. But it leaves it so it appears like they are still separate even though they are actually well attached because the small one has edges that move.

Knee, leg, ankle pieces 

I only stitched at the corner points to attach the knee/ankle to the leg so it appears jointed. I might sew some kind of button for a  grommet joint later but I haven't found one I like yet.

There is an elastic band measured to fit her leg at the knee joint and one for her ankle, stitched to the back of the leg corners top and bottom. That's how they stay on. 

They look like this on ( though I have yet to do the rest of the costume.. I've the waist cloths and cape almost done though)

Will look much better when she's in the full costume ;)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mehrunes' Razor (sword)

Fabrication request from  the kids:

Gotta work out how exactly I want to do this.. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

KCMT Shrek promo posters

KCMT Shrek promo posters we helped with make-up on ( not costumes). Donkey's face was us... As well as several of the others :)

Shrek: Pinnochio nose

This is a quick and dirty nose tutorial chronical for the Pinnochio nose I'm trying. It's a pain to find an expanding nose and rough to find a good tutorial- if you have one, know of one- link it please!  Otherwise, here's how this adventure went down for us.. 

What you need:
-Heavy tape ( I used duct tape) 
-Poster board
-Paint for wood tones
-Modge Podge
-elastic, fishline, etc. For a harness

1. Cut your template ( a trapezoid shape) 

2. Tape one side- sticky side out, and make a cylander with the tape inside.

3. Round it out with your fingers, press the tape down well, and then trim the edges evenly. 

4. Repeat with as many of these as you need to make the nose- each on should be shorter, and I had to play around a bit with mine to make them fit right. Test them for fit as you go. 

5. Once you have them all, paint them to look wooden! I used a couple shades of brown craft paint and a sponge brush for woody striated texture. 

6. Modge podge those bad boys.. Several coats. Gives them stability and protects the paint coat from friction when the nose extends and retracts. 

7. Assemble segments. 

You can use elastic in the sides to hold it to the face, and probably add a strap on the bridge up the nose to make a makeshift head harness- go thin or use fishing line and it's not so noticeable. 

So... The option I went with is clear bra straps- 3 of them, so it's adjustable and I just taped one end inside the largest section of the nose. I hooked 2 ends in the back and just slipped them through the loop on the third over the head strap. 

The strap is sitting over her glasses here so it's not a good connection to her face. I'm thinking we can stuff a couple cotton balls in on top of her nose to anchor secure/still it a bit better too.